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“You are not alone”: A Parent’s Story
The journey that our family has taken with the 1st Step team of professionals has been life changing. From the initial visit by a 1st Step case worker while our son was in the hospital; through two years of guidance and care by a psychiatrist, nurse, case worker and family support clinician; to the joyful renewal of our son to health and well-being; 1st Step was with us all the way.
The family-centred approach of 1st Step provided a safe, nurturing and supportive environment at a time when we were overwhelmed by first episode psychosis and depression.
In this journey, know that you are not alone. Trust in the 1st Step team. Ask for what you need. Use the 1st Step programs and services. Learn as much as you can. Be hopeful. Practice patience. Above all, love always.
From a Parent.