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Family Council
One of the primary goals of the CMHA WW Family Council is to bring the perspective of families into a variety of identified projects aimed at improving or enhancing CMHA WW programs, initiatives, policies or processes.
Interested in sharing valuable feedback from your experiences to help CMHA WW improve its services? Willing to share in a group setting? If you are a family member of someone who has had experience with CMHA Waterloo Wellington services, we welcome you to consider joining our Family Council.
What do we mean by family? Family refers to anyone who has walked alongside a loved one as they have accessed services through CMHA Waterloo Wellington.

Honorariums and reimbursement for transportation costs will be provided to members for monthly meetings. Meetings run for two hours with rotating locations. Members must be willing to provide a minimum of two years commitment to the family council and must be able to access a vehicle for transportation to attend meetings.
Please contact us via email at if you have any questions.
Looking for family and caregiver resources? Check out our list of resources curated for families and caregivers of clients receiving support through CMHA WW programs and services.