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Created by the CMHA WW Family Council.
As family members and caregivers of clients receiving support through CMHA WW programs and services, we know how hard it is to find the resources you need.
We created a one-stop shop for information about CMHA WW as well as local, provincial and national supports available to you.
Interested in sharing valuable feedback from your experiences to help CMHA WW improve its services? Willing to share in a group setting? If you are a family member of someone who has had experience with CMHA Waterloo Wellington services, we welcome you to consider joining our Family Council.
- CMHA Waterloo Wellington
- Children, Youth and Families
- Complaints, Compliments and Feedback
- Eating Disorders – How you can help
- Eating Disorders – Family Education and Support Groups
- Events Calendar – List of upcoming mental health promotion and education sessions.
- First Step Psychosis – Preparing for a loved one’s psychiatric assessment
- The Grove Hubs – One-stop-shop for youth mental health and wellness. By youth, for youth.
- Here 24/7 – Front door to addictions, mental health and crisis services provided by several partner agencies in Waterloo Wellington.
- Here4Kids
- Mental Health Brochures
- Privacy – Understanding your Personal Health Information and Privacy Rights
- Self Help and Peer Support – Provided by people who experience mental health and/or addiction issues. For people who experience mental health and/or addiction issues.
- Supporting a Loved One Brochure
- Waterloo Region, Guelph and Wellington County
- Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington – Supports persons living with dementia and their families, in living well with a dementia diagnosis.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters – Provide direct service to children by matching volunteers and youths in quality mentoring relationships.
- Camino Wellbeing and Mental Health – We support individuals, families and communities as they work to strengthen their wellbeing and mental health.
- Community Support Connections – Meals on Wheels – Provide a holistic, client-focused approach to accessing supports and services for adults in Waterloo Region
- Family Compass Waterloo Region – First step to finding community-based services and supports for parents, youth and children in Waterloo Region.
- Guelph Community Health Centre – Provides interprofessional primary health services and community programs in collaboration with community partners.
- Homewood Health Centre – Services for medical treatment of mental health and addiction disorders.
- House of Friendship – We offer help and hope to families, adults and children across Waterloo Region in addiction treatment, food, housing, and neighbourhoods.
- KidsAbility – Empowering children and youth with special needs to realize their full potential.
- Maplewoods Centre for Family Therapy and Child Psychology – Clinic and research training centre providing high quality therapy services to individuals and families in Guelph and the wider community.
- Ontario Health atHome – Provide access to in-home health and personal support services to help individuals live at home, link you to other helpful services available in the community, and assist individuals with the transition to long-term care homes when living at home is no longer possible.
- Starling Community Services (Formerly Lutherwood) – A progressive, not-for-profit health and social service organization that provides mental health, employment, and housing services in Waterloo Region and Wellington County.
- Stonehenge Therapeutic Community – A specialized addiction services agency providing a broad scope of services to individuals, families, and communities experiencing harm related to substance use.
- Waterloo Region Family Network – The go-to resource and trusted voice for families with special needs in Waterloo region offering personal guidance and lifelong support.
- YMCA of Three Rivers – Programs and services for everyone in the community.
- Ontario
- 211 Ontario – Helpline that easily connects people to the social services, programs and community supports they need.
- Bereaved Families of Ontario: Midwest Region – Community of peer support and education for individuals and families who are grieving
- CMHA Ontario
- Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) – Advocate for investments, policies, and programs for children, youth, and families seeking mental health services in Ontario
- Connex Ontario – Provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling by connecting them with services in their area.
- Family Care Centre – By Children’s Mental Health Ontario and Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH)
- Health811 – A free, secure and confidential service you can call or access online 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get health advice from a registered nurse or find health services or information.
- One Stop Talk – Children and youth in Ontario can immediately connect with a therapist for a free counselling session and access mental health support.
- Pine River Institute – Helps adolescents struggling with addictive behaviours and other mental health issues to reclaim their lives, their families, and their futures.
- Pleo – A non-profit family peer support organization for parents whose children to age 25 are facing mental health challenges.
- Canada
- 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline – National helpline for anyone across Canada who is thinking about suicide, or who is worried about someone they know. Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime for support in English and French.
- Alberta Family Wellness Initiative – Resources from leading experts on the science of early brain development and its connection to adult mental health, including addiction.
- All In Family – Offers peer support to you, the family member, caregiver, supporter for family member who is struggling with mental health challenges and/or addiction.
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) – Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres.
- CMHA National
- CMHA National – Care for the Caregiver Brochure
- Family Care Centre – Resource hub for parents and caregivers of children and youth with mental illness
- Kids Help Phone – Call, text, chat and more to get support using Kids Help Phone’s 24/7 e-mental health services. For all young people in Canada.
- The Sashbear Foundation – Empowering family members and communities with life transforming skills and hope, through workshops and evidence-based programs at no charge.
- Talk Suicide – Nationwide, 24-hour, bilingual support to anyone who is facing suicide.
- Peer Support
- All In Family – Offers peer support to you, the family member, caregiver, supporter for family member who is struggling with mental health challenges and/or addiction.
- CMHA WW Self Help and Peer Support – Provided by people who experience mental health and/or addiction issues. For people who experience mental health and/or addiction issues.
- Bereaved Families of Ontario: Midwest Region – Community of peer support and education for individuals and families who are grieving
- Families for Addiction Recovery – A national charity founded by parents of children who have struggled with addiction from their teens.
- Parents for Children’s Mental Health – Peer support chapters made up of volunteer Chapter Leaders and parents and caregivers on their own journey of supporting their child with mental health needs.
- Pleo – A non-profit family peer support organization for parents whose children to age 25 are facing mental health challenges.
- The Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario – For parents struggling with the behavior of a child, youth or young adult.