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Taking care of your whole self during COVID-19


We are all familiar with the guidelines from public health agencies on how to keep ourselves safe during the pandemic, but what about staying mentally well? We’ve created a one-pager reminding everyone that mental wellness plays a key part in staying safe as COVID-19 continues.

Taking Care of Your Whole Self During COVID-19 complements public health’s key three strategies, with three key mental health guidelines:

Everyone needs to practice self care on a daily basis and what that looks like is different for everyone. Think about creating a self care plan or routine at a time when you’re not feeling overwhelmed, so that you can turn to it when you need it.

During this time of physical distancing, it’s especially important to stay connected to the people in your life through texting, phone and video calls. We all need contact with other people. Connections promote wellness. Human connection is essential for good health, especially when life presents situations that can cause increased anxiety.

If you find that you are struggling with anxiety, loneliness, or grief, please do not hesitate to reach out for formal help if you need it. Here 24/7 is always available to help you find the services you need: 1-844-HERE-247 (437-3247).

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