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Recovery Uncovered Podcast
Welcome to RECOVERY UNCOVERED with your host Kass!
Welcome back! So psyched to be here with you! We are starting with a new season of Recovery Uncovered — we are excited to be back on this journey with you! All new episodes to inspire and support you in your mental wellness. Keep an eye out – new episodes bi-weekly!
*** Just a reminder that Recovery Uncovered is not a substitute for counselling or professional help. We are all peers who have the experience of living with a mental illness. Let us walk this journey together and enjoy the show.

Season 3
Hey there! We are back and ready to get running! Here is our first all-new episode of the year. Our guest is a co-worker of mine, as well as, an advocate and ally of peer support. Sam shares some of her lived experience with us and how she incorporates it into support others. We will also be welcoming Micheal Sherman, the Inspirational Transguy, to tell us about his new group Gender Journeys. Enjoy and see you next time!
Season 2
- Season 2, Episode 1: Michael
Meet Michael who reminds us that “Life is either a daily adventure or nothing at all”. Michael shares his story of living with mental illness and navigating his journey of transitioning. Michael is a great example of a peer opening up and using his experiences to educate others. As Michael says: “My mental illness does not define me”. Have a listen!
Season 1
- Season 1, Episode 8: Welcome Iman
This week we talked with Iman from Self Help and Peer Support. Iman brings with her a winding road-map journey of mental illness. She talks to us about the challenges her family has faced when it comes to living with a mental illness and trying to find resources and treatment in the East Asian community. Iman is an amazing addition to the peer family and a great example of how to keep going when life is tough. If we are lucky, she will share a dance or two with us! Welcome Iman!
- Season 1, Episode 7: Meet Jane
Today we are talking with Jane, a fellow peer-support worker. Jane has lived with the reality of suicide for most of her life. She talks to us about losing her family members and her, own, mental health challenges and attempts. September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day and Jane lets us in on a new program starting called Support After Suicide. Jane is an amazing individual and is going to do wonders in helping the community at large.
*** Trigger warning – topic of suicide.
- Season 1, Episode 6: A Conversation with Adam Ross from the Mindwell Sessions
Today we have a conversation with Adam Ross and i will let him explain who he is:
I am a husband; I am father to two boys; and I am a mental health advocate. I founded Put it Out There, and regardless of your mental illness what’s important to remember is you don’t have to suffer alone. I created this site because I thought it might be helpful to people wanting to understand their own mental illness if they saw someone who has been there – who IS there.
Adam lives with severe anxiety and depression. In this episode we will hear about his life living with a mental illness, as well as, his new facebook live events that help raise a voice; the Mindwell Sessions. They run every Thursday at 7pm.
Check out Adam’s website and facebook page for more information: and Adam Out There.
- Season 1, Episode 5: Supporting My Mother Part 1 and 2
Reese shares her experience growing up with a parent that lives with Bi-Polar. She opens up about the difficulty of knowing that her mom was struggling, but not having a diagnoses till in her 30’s. She speaks about the roles she played, the many hospital visits, and the hardship of seeing her mother suffer. This episode is in two links due to length, don’t forget to listen to Episode 5a after!
Self Help and Peer Support offers a Supporting the Supporter group on Monday nights from 6pm-7pm. Currently, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the group is offered via Microsoft Teams. Email: if interested in attending virtually.
- Season 1, Episode 4: The Problem With Calling It “Illness”
Peer Navigator Tony continues the talk about the difference between Mental Illness and Mental Health. We hear his experiences living with bi-polar and the stigma that is attached to it. He opens up about battles that he lives with and his frustration over trying medications.
Interested in peer support? Check out Self Help and Peer Support for calendars and one-to-one options. Remember, Here 24/7 @ 1 844 437 3247 is always available if you are in crisis.
- Season 1, Episode 3: What is Mental Illness?
Spark of Brilliance and Beautiful Minds program coordinator Marcey Gray talks to us about the difference between Mental Illness and Mental Health. She shares a bit about her story living with a mental illness. She reminds us that we are all superheros.
Interested in the Spark of Brilliance or Beautiful Minds programs? contact!
- Season 1, Episode 2: Being a Supporter
Today we talk with one of our listeners who supports someone living with mental illness. D opens up about being a supporter with partners, family members and friends. She reminds us that mental illness is not something to be afraid of – those who suffer are human too.
Self Help and Peer Support offers a Supporting the Supporter group on Monday nights from 6pm-7pm. Currently, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the group is offered via Microsoft Teams. Email: if interested in attending virtually.
- Season 1, Episode 1: Introducing Recovery Uncovered
Just a quick introduction to Recovery Uncovered (previously known as mental illness unmasked).