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Join CMHA in the call to Erase the Difference
Jan 3, 2018
For decades, mental health and addictions services in communities throughout Ontario have been chronically underfunded compared to other parts of the health system. The result: it’s impossible to meet the needs of Ontarians. Wait times are up. Programs have been cut. People are falling through the cracks.
But we’re on the cusp of something big. For the first time in a long time, there’s widespread acceptance about the urgent need for quality mental health and addiction services. The federal government is providing an unprecedented amount of money for mental health and addictions services. And with the provincial election coming this spring, Ontario’s three main political parties all believe it’s a key issue.
Now is the time for all Ontarians who have been touched by mental health or addictions issues to make their voice heard. Join us in letting provincial candidates know that it’s time to #erasethedifference and fund mental health and addictions care the same as physical health care.
Visit and sign the petition. Then ask three friends to do the same.
With your help, we can send a strong message ahead of Ontario’s June 7, 2018 election.