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Client Council
The goals of the CMHA WW Client Council is to enhance client engagement and improve the quality of care at CMHA WW. We will do this by:
- Providing input on/recommendations for improving or enhancing CMHA programs, initiatives, policies, processes, etc.
- Representing client perspectives about theirs and others experiences at CMHA WW.
- Supporting CMHA WW to enhance its client engagement and client-centred care practices.
- Strengthening communication and collaboration between CMHA WW clients, families and staff.
If this interests you and you have had experience with CMHA Waterloo Wellington services, we welcome you to consider joining our Client Council.
Honorariums and reimbursement for transportation costs will be provided to members for monthly meetings. Meetings run for two hours with rotating locations. Members must be willing to provide a minimum of two years commitment to the client council.
Please contact us via email at if you have any questions.