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Our Vision, Mission and Values
When people come to CMHA WW, it’s because they need more.
More support, expertise, community or hope. More than what they and the people around them can provide. Whatever more is for each person, we’re here to provide it and if we cannot provide it, we help them find it. Our vision and mission reflect that we are striving to be more for our communities.
Our Vision
Imagine a community where: When you need support, wherever you are, there’s someone.
Our Mission
We work to build a community in which everyone has what they need to live meaningful lives. We build human connections that make it possible for people to achieve their greatest potential. We inspire and support people in achieving the quality of life that they desire. We are there when you need someone.
We are CMHA WW. We are more.
Our Values
Mutual Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Excellence, and Innovation

Click here to download our full strategic plan.