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Faces of CMHA WW: Lisa H., Intensive Case Manager
Dec 5, 2023
1. What is involved in your role?
Coordinate the team of internal and external service partners supporting the child/youth. Make referrals for specialized funding, services, treatments, and placements for the child/youth. Communicate and advocate on behalf of the child/youth and family. Help the child/youth and parent/caregiver access resources and community opportunities that will support the mental health and daily living needs of the child/youth. Providing one to one support to the child/youth and family as needed.
2. Why did you become involved in the mental health field?
I have always been interested in the helping field and knew from a young age that I wanted to do work in this area particularly with youth. I worked with young teenage Mom’s for almost 10 years before coming to CMHA and it was through that work that I became very familiar with the work of Trellis at that time. The more I learned about the work they did, the more I felt this was a place where I might be able to make a difference in the lives of youth that were struggling with their own mental health.
3. Have you always worked in mental health?
While the Teenage Parents Program was not a mental health program, many of the Mom’s worked very closely with CMHA, and I was able to co-facilitate the Through the Eyes of a Child program that was provided through CMHA to the clients at the program. Many of the parents I supported struggled with their own mental health and required support in navigating the system which also gave me a more in depth look at what CMHA did.
4. How do you support people in your role?
I provide long term case management support to the children/youth and parents/caregivers in accessing community supports, resources, funding and coordinating services. In addition to this, the role involves a great deal of advocacy with community agencies, schools and at times within the family to ensure the client’s best interests are being addressed.
5. What are you proud of during your time in your role?
The long-standing relationships with the families and clients I support that can at times be very challenging especially when it is part of my role to deliver information and news that is difficult to hear. It can be very hard to maintain those relationships and I work hard to keep the relationships stable, respectful and supportive.
If you are in crisis or wish to discuss whether CMHA WW has the right service for you, call Here 24/7: 1-844-437-3247 (HERE 247).
Follow the ‘Faces of CMHA’ series for a glimpse into the lives of the people who spend each day at the Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington working to inspire and support people to achieve the quality of life they desire. Join our team, click here to view current employment opportunities at CMHA WW.